Friday, January 13, 2017

Athlete-inspired WODs

Came up with these WODs in dedication to Swiss tennis legend Roger Federer, Australian rugby captain Ed Jenkins and German track cyclist Robert Förstemann (Quadzilla)...

*ex var - explosive variation
*VDF - use variations depending on fitness

The Jenkins
This workout focuses on building explosivity and core stability in all is of high importance

Rowing (warm-up) 5/10 minutes

and then 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps each of;
Nordic Hamstring (ex var*) or 'kneeling hamstring curl'
Rotational Landmine (ex var)
Chin-up (ex var)
Shoulder press (ex var)
Pull-up (VDF*)
Push-up (VDF)
Dumbbell bench press
Ab roll-out
Abs leg drop (on bench)

The Förstemann
This workout focuses on leg-focused strength AND power.

Cycle (warm-up) 5/10 mins
Seated box jumps
Back squat
Bench row
Bench press
Front squat
Pistol squat (VDF)
Static lunges
Dead lift

The Federer
This 25-min workout fosters stamina, endurance with more focused lateral movement component

Jump rope (warm-up) 1 min x3

60/30 sec jump rope in the beginning, in between, and at the end of the following 60 sec set of;
1. 30 sec forearm plank + 30 sec forward single leg raise
2. 30 sec side elbow/forearm plank + 30 sec hip or leg raise (LEFT)
3. 30 sec side elbow/forearm plank + 30 sec hip or leg raise (RIGHT)
4. Lateral shuffle (do not cross legs)
5. Front-to-back shuffle with jumps on each end
6. Lateral lunges with twist
7. Windshield Wiper workout
8. Quad kneeling tilt (or lean backs)
9.  Lie down, knees bent and straighten legs out (maintain c-curve on back with core! do not break form)
10. Crunches

15-30 second rest in between the jump rope-workout set is permitted.

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