*read here to (first) understand my WOD logging and its genesis better
April 19 - Sunday
8.30am for 5 sets TABATA* of
KB swing 12kg 58
Thrusters 20kg 28
Russian twist 3kg 145
Hanging Knees-to-elbow 27
Deadlift 40kg 30
*AMRAP 8 rounds of 20s (10s rest)
10:00 EMOM Backsquat 35kg x5 50
10:00 EMOM Bench 27.5kg x5 (failed to complete at final minute) 47
n/b: inner right knee felt off when walking with speed when bending and straightening
April 20 - Monday
[Recovery and shoulders]
8kg Turkish get-up x3 on each side (learning for technique)
Chest-to-wall 10" handstand (CTW-HS) hold 60s x4
Strict Press 20kg 8x4
Barbell High Pull 20kg 8x4
April 21 - Tuesday
AM for Clean 20kg 8x3 25kg 8x3 30kg x3 (to fail)
Deadlift 50kg x8 60kg x8 70kg 5x3 75kg x3 (to fail)
Hang from bar 15secs x3 for lower back stretch (or fancy name being"spine decompression") post-deadlift
n/b: grip strength is my main challenge for deadlift - should i spoil my hands with a lifting strap?
PM Backsquat 30kg x5 (warm up) 40kg x8 45kg x8 50kg x5 55kg 3RM (PB)
April 22 - Wednesday
AM 5.5km run
PM monkeying in the park with dip bars, monkey bars and chin up bars
April 23 - Thursday
90mins yoga
April 25 - Saturday (Post-deadline Frenzy!)
Inversions and shoulders: CTW-HS 10" 60s x3; Wall pike to wall plank 5x3
Abs: 6kg Russian Twist 2x50; Toe touches 3x25; Sit-ups 15x3
KB swing 81
Thrusters 20kg 30
Jab and cross (w boxing gloves, sandbag) ~24/round
Roundhouse kick ~12/round
WOD2 of 10:00 EMOM 30kg Frontsquat
3 hours of badminton (60% doubles 40% singles)
10:00 EMOM Backsquat 35kg x5 50
10:00 EMOM Bench 27.5kg x5 (failed to complete at final minute) 47
n/b: inner right knee felt off when walking with speed when bending and straightening
April 20 - Monday
[Recovery and shoulders]
8kg Turkish get-up x3 on each side (learning for technique)
Chest-to-wall 10" handstand (CTW-HS) hold 60s x4
Strict Press 20kg 8x4
Barbell High Pull 20kg 8x4
April 21 - Tuesday
AM for Clean 20kg 8x3 25kg 8x3 30kg x3 (to fail)
Deadlift 50kg x8 60kg x8 70kg 5x3 75kg x3 (to fail)
Hang from bar 15secs x3 for lower back stretch (or fancy name being"spine decompression") post-deadlift
n/b: grip strength is my main challenge for deadlift - should i spoil my hands with a lifting strap?
PM Backsquat 30kg x5 (warm up) 40kg x8 45kg x8 50kg x5 55kg 3RM (PB)
April 22 - Wednesday
AM 5.5km run
PM monkeying in the park with dip bars, monkey bars and chin up bars
April 23 - Thursday
90mins yoga
April 25 - Saturday (Post-deadline Frenzy!)
Inversions and shoulders: CTW-HS 10" 60s x3; Wall pike to wall plank 5x3
Abs: 6kg Russian Twist 2x50; Toe touches 3x25; Sit-ups 15x3
KB swing 81
Thrusters 20kg 30
Jab and cross (w boxing gloves, sandbag) ~24/round
Roundhouse kick ~12/round
WOD2 of 10:00 EMOM 30kg Frontsquat
3 hours of badminton (60% doubles 40% singles)
April 26 - Sunday
Top rope climbing at RPC
10 routes of 12m grade 4 to 5 and two routes of grade 6a 90% completion (PB)
Note: I feel like after doing weightlifting and compound/functional workouts that my climbs are more coherent and balanced for both upper and lower body which made me feel good, confident and allowed me to climb more.
April 27 - Monday
CXWorx 30mins
April 28 Tuesday
Note: I feel like after doing weightlifting and compound/functional workouts that my climbs are more coherent and balanced for both upper and lower body which made me feel good, confident and allowed me to climb more.
April 27 - Monday
CXWorx 30mins
April 28 Tuesday
Spinning 45mins
Dead hang 10s x3
Strict press 20kg 8x3
Clean 25kg 30kg x8
Clean and jerk 30kg x8
Deadlift 50 60 70kg x8
April 29 Wednesday
10:00 EMOM Bench 25kg 5x10
10:00 EMOM Asst 19kg Dip 5x10
Snatch 20kg x8 25kg x8
Overhead squat 20kg 10x3
Dead hang 20s x3
April 30 Thursday
90m yoga
1h badminton
April 30 Thursday
90m yoga
1h badminton
Better sore than sorry.